A biogas plant can digest materials readily available on farms, such as animal dung and crop wastes. In an urban context, a small biogas digester produces a clean, high-grade fuel gas and a residue that is an excellent fertiliser. The quality of this fertiliser is often higher than if more traditional methods composted the same materials. The compost from the plant does not smell or attract flies, and once it has been dried, it is easy to apply to your vegetable garden or crops in the fields.

Biogas is much more convenient than traditional fuels, such as firewood, dried dung and even liquid petroleum products. The smoke from other fuels makes pots dirty and irritates the eyes, whereas biogas gives a scorching clean flame.

Biogas is a form of renewable energy, and we are hopeful that it will become much more integrated into our daily lives. Look around and consider how you can best utilise the organic waste material surrounding you. A home or farm plant could likely be developed to capitalise on this waste.

This site is full of information to get you started and help you operate your biogas plant. We hope you have satisfactorily answered the question, “What can biogas do for you?” The question is, now, what will you do?

Still, trying to figure out what to do?

Here is a 3 Step Plan to Get You Going

  1.  Do your homework.. research and study all the relevant documents on this site;
  1.  Talk to others who have a system similar to that which you want; and
  1.  Plan and seek out local legal requirements before buying anything!

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